Mottingham Silks
In 2022, working in partnership with StEP and St Edwards Church, Kinetika engaged with a wide range of people in the MBLR (Mottingham Big Local Refocused) to create a set of silk flags that reflect the area, and the people that live within it.
Local organisations and residents were invited to take part, and in spring 2022 Artistic Director Ali Pretty, and Kinetika artists Lisa Meehan and Sarah Doyle delivered a series of design and silk painting workshops.
The flags celebrate Mottingham under the following Themes:
- Education
- Activity in the Community
- Local business and traders
- Environment/healthy living
- Heritage
Once completed, the flags were displayed and celebrated at community events throughout the summer.

Silk Hangings
The project continued in 2023, with the designs an creation of eight new silk hangings for a permanent display in St Edwards Church. The silk hangings were unveiled on 1 February 2023, imagery below is from the unveiling event.
All images (c) Mark Massey
Mottingham Flags
Images: Mark Massey